Find a Tiny Home

Tiny homes are finding their way into many backyards & weekend getaways. Here are 4 easy ways to locate and purchase the perfect tiny house.

1. Tiny House Builders: Some tiny home manufactures have showrooms or workshops where you can view their work, from set plans to custom designs. Here are a few to get you started. **Tumbleweed Tiny House Company** **Tiny Mountain Houses** **Seattle Tiny Homes** **Handcrafted Movement** **Off Grid Dwellings**

2. Online Marketplaces: Websites like Tiny House Marketplace, Tiny House Listings & Tiny House Finder feature listings from both professional builders & individuals selling tiny houses. These marketplaces offer a wide range of options in size, style & price.

3. Tiny House Festivals & Shows: Attend a tiny house festivals in your area to explore different designs and get a better idea of what you're looking for.

4. Local Classifieds: Check local classified ads such as Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist or local neighborhood pages to find a good deal on tiny homes from local sellers. Remember to consider factors such as location, utilities and specific requirements when searching for a tiny house. Need help determining if you can put a tiny home on your property, or finding the right piece of vacant land? Call today & let’s get started!


Out-of-state Sellers Make Top Dollar